Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Today we went into 5 different gym's looking at the facilities and membership prices. It's amazing the range of quality and prices that we saw ($150 per month per person to $68 per month per person). Unfortunately for us the $150 per person gym is the one that is directly across the street from our place. I think we have realized that convenience is not worth 300 dollars a month for both of us, so we will not be joining that gym. The Y-Fitness gym or YMCA has some good facilities, a good price, and with my purchase of my first speedo this will most likely be our first choice.

We will be traveling for the next few days so won't have another post until the weekend. We miss everyone very much and hope that everyone is doing well and I'm sure looking forward to some warmer weather.

As a side note, I wanted to send some props along to one of the blog pioneers (at least a pioneer in my blog world) "Andy Katz 360" http://andykatz360.blogspot.com/. It's not that I didn't like the idea of a blog, I was just throwing out some challenging thoughts at our good-bye party, you know something to remember me by.


BT said...

I like leaving you guys comments :)

I highly reccommend the YMCA - it was on my walk to and from my work when I lived there and I know it must be pretty close to your new apartment and near the PwC office building. The trainers are awesome (and cute - not that you care) and they give you a couple of free training sessions once you join. Plus, it is reasonable and the equipment/pool/classes are more than adequate.

Mom C said...

Hi Jeremy and Erin...Carrie could not believe that I had not posted a message yet! So here it goes. I love this blog..what a great idea.. the commentary and pictures are great..keep it up!! Have fun the next few days..."work" is coming!! Love Mom C

Erin said...

Beth, keep the comments coming they are much appreciated.

Mom, I was wondering when you were going to write. Good work creating a google account.