Sunday, June 3, 2007

Queen's Birthday

After a long and busy week last week with work, go-karting, and boat cruises, it was nice to have a long weekend this weekend thanks to the wonderful Queen.

We ended up in the Waitakere Rain Forrest which is only about 30 minutes from downtown Auckland so it's a pretty easy drive. We stopped at the visitor center to find a nice little hike for ourselves. We ended up hiking to Kite-Kite falls (pronounced Kitty-Kitty). It was a nice hike with a beautiful waterfall half way through where we stopped and ate some sandwiches. There was one problem near the conclusion of our walk as Erin slipped off a rock and stepped in the river with her sneakers and socks on.

Sunday night we went over Jacqui (works with Erin) and Jerry's place for a roast and ate a bunch of good food. One of the more interesting things that we have learned over here is the Pumpkin is a vegetable that people cook up and eat and it's not only used at Halloween for Jack-o-Lanterns. It was pretty good.

Big news was that Red Sox game was on TV over here on Saturday and today as well.