Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Erin and I were very excited to get our car so we could head out and get a grill or (BBQ) as they call them here. We headed out last night and went to a few different stores. We went to this place called The Warehouse which is like Target or Walmart. BUT, they are all out of BBQ's and said that they aren't going to have any more until the summer. We don't want to wait that long so we are currently looking at alternatives.

We spent some time searching on TradeMe (NZ equivalent to ebay) and saw a couple BBQ's that we might put a bid on. Then Erin found out from a girl that she works with about this place called BBQ Factory. This place has all sorts of BBQ's, so we will most likely head out there this weekend to see if we can make a purchase. Hopefully we will be successful and we will have our "grill".

Erin would like me to add that tonight we watched Lost which was very good. We are a few episodes behind the US, so don't tell us anything about it because you will ruin the next few episodes for us.


Jake said...

You haven't missed much on Lost. Billy Ray Cyrus was kidnapped by Blake Lewis, but it wasn't Blake's fault because he was being mind-controlled by Linderman and Doctor McSteamy.