Sunday, November 16, 2008


We've been here for 19 months and haven't made it to Wellington (the capital) so we figured it was time for us to make a visit. While down there, we went on a tour of the Parliment/Beehive, took the Historic Cable Car ride, relaxed on the waterfront, went to the great Te Papa museum, and had dinner with some friends.
Jeremy and a Cute Sculpture at the Museum
Flowers in the Botanical Garden
The Cable Car and the City
It was a busy couple days down there that's for sure. It sure is a windy city that's for sure. On Sunday when we got home, the USA and Korea were playing in the final of the first FIFA Women's U17 World Cup which was held here in NZ. We headed up to watch the game which was great. Unfortunatly in OT, Korea scored to win 2-1. (A girl named Hayley Brock is on the team and is from Acton, Massachusetts) There were some die-hard USA fans there as you can see.