Monday, November 24, 2008

Early Thanksgiving Dinner

Last night we gathered with 15 of Jeremy's work mates for a Thanksgiving feast. There were 7 Americans and the others were from Ireland, England, and New Zealand. The night was really fun as the "foreigners" were very interested in learning more about the holiday. They took the time to make traditional recipes like pumpkin, apple, and pecan pies as well as roasting a 22 pound turkey (which had to be special ordered as they aren't common here.)

Those of us who are American even struggled making our recipes as many of the ingredients from back home, aren't sold in NZ. I volunteered to make the stuffing and spend several hours chopping bread into tiny cubes. Fortunately, my hard work paid off and I produced enough stuffing to feed 17 hungry people. Jeremy picked the lucky seat at the table as he was the closest American to the turkey, so he was in charge of carving it. He did a great job!