Sunday, November 4, 2007

Today we hosted our first visitors! Bill and Vail and their friend Margy are in New Zealand for a few weeks and are currently spending a few days in Auckland. We picked them up from the airport and squished ourselves and all of their luggage into our car for the trip into Auckland. We had dinner at Soul, which is a yummy restaurant in the Viaduct, near our apartment. Sadly it was raining, so we didn't get to enjoy the sunset. Here we are after our delicious meal.

You'll also notice that Jeremy and I both got our hair cut this past week :o)


KAD said...

How fun to have visitors. I remember when you came to visit us in San Diego & I thought it was so nice. We love reading about all your adventures. Love, Kim

Erin said...

Great to hear from you, hope all is well back in MA. How are you all doing? How are Madison and Morgan liking school?