Friday, March 27, 2009

See you soon...

Can you believe that 2 years ago, we were setting off on our big adventure or big OE (Overseas Experience) as they call it here? We have enjoyed our experiences over here tremendously and would like to thank all of our readers out there for following our blogging updates throughout the years. We have greatly enjoyed our ability to update everyone with our adventures through our blog site. We will be posting updates during our 7 week adventure, but it won't be on a daily basis like we have tried to do here at times. Please keep an eye on the blog for updates.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone back in the US in a little under 2 months.

But, it's with great sadness that we leave both PwC and Hudson as well as this wonderful place that they call Aotearoa (The Long White Cloud). Take care everyone and see you soon.