Tuesday, September 25, 2007

On Sunday, the weather was amazing! We were very excited that Spring had finally arrived that we decided to pack a picnic and go for a walk up One Tree Hill. One Tree Hill is a dormant volcanic cone and was the site of the largest prehistoric Maori settlement in the area. One Tree Hill was named after the solitary tree that was placed on its summit in 1640. Protestors have attacked the succession of single trees, so the last one was removed in 2000.

When we finally reached the top of One Tree Hill we were very sad because the weather "turned to custard" (that's a new saying I've learned here), it started to rain and our picnic quickly came to an end! I was lucky enough to snap a quick photo of Jeremy at the top and the view of the city.

After we reached the base of One Tree Hill, we decided to drive to the top of Mount Eden which is the highest volcanic cone in Auckland and is 643 feet tall. The views were great but the rain was coming down hard, so we'll have to go back to get some pictures soon!