Monday, March 23, 2009

Last Working Monday

Today marked the last Monday that we have to go to work for a couple of months. What a nice day. It was also our 6th to last day in Auckland, which was very sad. Our final set of visas arrived, so we are all good to enter into Vietnam. We were getting nervous as the departure is very soon, so I was happy to receive that mail at work today!

I also had my last personal training session at the gym tonight. I was very sad to say goodbye to Jaimee as she's been a great trainer for the past year. I will miss her in Boston and will be looking to hire a sarcastic Aussie trainer if anyone knows one! :) She made me finish off the session with my least favorite exercise, but I promised to do a set for her when her baby arrives in a few months. I told her I would do the number of repetitions equal to her baby's weight. I'm hoping for a 5 pound baby!

Jeremy finished his workday with drinks with one of the partners he works with. I met up for dinner with Michelle who is Jeremy's coworker and our friend from California. She won't be around on Thursday night for our work farewell drinks, so she invited me to dinner which was very nice. We indulged on huge pasta dishes and red wine. Jeremy met up with us towards the end of the meal as well.

Tomorrow is another busy day for us. I have my last Integrity Selling training session at work and then we are off to dinner with Steve and Deon tomorrow night. Our friends are definitely keeping us busy in our last few days. Wednesday will be our night for packing!