Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We are going to take a break from posting about our trip to Australia to get everyone excited about something new that I'm doing.

If you don't know it's MOvember. During the month of November a charitable activity that I've decided to participate in is where I will grow a moustache. I'm sure you are wondering what charity I'm supporting. I'm promoting the awareness of men's health specifically:

-Depression (Depression affects 1 in 10 men....Most people who experience depression make a full recovery. The first step is seeking help.)
-Cancer (Last year in New Zealand 2,700 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer and more than 600 died of prostate cancer - (that's nearly two each day))

I'm sure you are all wondering what I will look like with a moustache, so please click on the link below and donate: Donate to Jeremy's Mo and donate online using your credit card.

You can also track my fundraising status at my profile page: Jeremy's Mofile