Friday, June 13, 2008

NZ Troops Greet First Lady with Haka

We were watching the news the other night and saw that Laura Bush was greeted in Afghanistan by New Zealand Troops performing the Haka: Haka Video

Hakas were originally performed by warriors before a battle, proclaiming their strength and prowess in order to intimidate the opposition. Today, haka constitute an integral part of formal or official welcome ceremonies for distinguished visitors or foreign dignitaries, serving to impart a sense of the importance of the occasion.

We will see the Haka tonight perfomed by the All Blacks when they take on England: All Blacks Haka. Go The All Blacks!


Mom C said...

And you can tell everyone that the Haka was performed for Jeremy when he represented us at Northern New Zealand at the Treaty of Waitangi...he did everything right including keeping his eyes on the person in front of him!!