Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day 12 - Up up and Away!

We woke up for our last day of vacation hoping that we would be able to finish things off with a hot air balloon ride. I called the hotline and...Yes! The flight was still on. We hurried to get ready and meet our team to prepare for the ride. When you ride in a balloon, there is more than just riding involved. We helped to prepare everything. Jeremy was in charge of the high powered fan.

Upon takeoff we were gently lifted into the air. It was amazing how quickly we rose. Above the trees, above the clouds, pretty soon we were up, up, and away - 5000 feet off the ground and rising!
The ride was calm and scenic. We made a safe landing in a local farmer's pasture and finished the flight with a champagne toast and a Balloonists Prayer from 19th Century Ireland:

May the wind welcome you with softness
May the sun bless you with his warm hands
May you fly so high and so well
God joins you in laughter
And may He set you gently back again
Into the loving arems of Mother Earth

We then headed back to the hotel to pack our bags for our flight back to Auckland! This wraps up our first trip of 2008. We had an amazing time filled with experiences we will never forget. We are glad we could share some pictures and stories with you. Stay tuned for many more adventures. Coming soon...Auckland and Northland with Wendy and Paul!


Anonymous said...

You are certainly maximizing your time doing so many fun and interesting things. No ruts for you!! Keep it up. Can't wait to see what you do with your parents.

Jake said...

What are arems?

Erin said...

They're extra long arms.