Sunday, October 14, 2007

Can you jump?

This weekend was a big weekend for Jeremy as he decided to leap from the highest building in the Southern Hemisphere. The Sky Tower in Auckland has the Sky Jump which is 192 meters (630 feet) off the ground. Thanks to PwC Boston I had a gift certificate to do this jump and I had my reservation on Saturday at 11am.

I wasn't too nervous through the whole morning, but when I walked out the door 630 feet in the air onto the platform, my legs and stomach decided that I was getting myself into an interesting situation. It was pretty scary, but I did it and it was a ton of fun. They gave me a free 2nd jump as well, so I've now done it 2 times. We've attached a couple videos that were taken by Erin at the landing zone with her sweaty palms.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!! What great video - I can't believe you did that. You are much braver than me! (: