Thursday, August 16, 2007

VIP in Action

I headed back to Auckland from a week out of town down in Hamilton today. Unfortunately it was a very rainy day, which made for a difficult commute.

I got hungry so I stopped at my trusty McDonalds for a visit. I haven't used the VIP sticker since I got it a couple months ago, so I figured it was time to put it into action. Every time I go to McDonalds it's always some type of burger that I'm getting. Down here we have "The Boss", it's a tasty burger with 2 big patties and a bunch of other toppings.

Today I decided to branch out and got a Chicken Parm sandwich (it's on the speciality menu). The VIP deal was a Filet o' Fish for 2 dollars. (pronounced fill-it instead of fill-eh as we pronounce it in the US) I have never had the Filet o' Fish, but I recently heard from Andy that it was a "great" sandwich. So...I decided to give it a try. Let me tell you, I was very impressed with the sandwich. The bun was nice and smooshy, but not soggy, the tartar sauce had just enough flavor and the fish was pretty decent. I've never had any type of fish sandwich before so it's tough for me to rank this one, but I imagine it would be right up there.


Jim Storer said...

FoF is a guilty pleasure, indeed. The saturated fat is off the charts, so don't indulge too often though...

Erin said...

I imagine the Sat Fat in most of the things on the menu aren't great.

I just looked it up and it appears that there's only 4g's of Sat Fat. The Double Cheeseburger unfortunately has 11g's.

Anonymous said...

the Filet of Fish is the most underrated sandwich in the fast food industry today. my mouth is watering just thinking about it...

Jim Storer said...

I must have been thinking about total fat... Along this subject, check out this link to the Fast Food Calorie Counter, published in the Wash Post several years ago:

Side Note: I had the BK Big Fish last week on a ride to NH. It's not even in the same league as the FoF.